All true - those meandering drafts, with an initial point of view and topic, but ultimately unworthy of share to the 4 or 5 of you who actually visit this site and read any of this shit. At last count twenty eight thoughts unfinished. Twenty eight goals un-achieved. Twenty eight…


So the other night yet another news story featuring the remaining Republican candidates for the "Presidential" nomination was blaring on the TV in the background while Chrissy scrolled endlessly on her iPhone and I was Googling effective ways to get the IRS off my ass.  Naturally, it got us talking…


February 14, 2016 Bubbles Almost 11 years ago at a restaurant long since gone. You proposed to this blubbering idiot. I hope you have no regrets because as legend goes, “she insisted that we get married”. And while I sat at Peter’s Pasta on my flip phone calling everyone under…


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2008 ALL ABOARD! So we’re taking this family vacation in January. One night, on a lark Mrs.and Junior Giddy decided it would be a hoot to spend more of Dad’s money while he simply sat with his beer watching a Giants pre-season game. So while I reclined in…