I avoid engaging in political discourse here - and will continue to do so. It's pointless. I have very strong opinions on our current state of affairs, I'm borderline obsessive frankly. But reality is, you don't care who or what I support, and, no matter...I can't change what you think…


All true - those meandering drafts, with an initial point of view and topic, but ultimately unworthy of share to the 4 or 5 of you who actually visit this site and read any of this shit. At last count twenty eight thoughts unfinished. Twenty eight goals un-achieved. Twenty eight…


I'm at that point where I've got 28 posts sitting as drafts.  I can't seem to finish like I could when I was younger.  Doesn't even matter if it's not Sunday - I can't get it done any longer. For years I've been working on meandering observations, topical essays, I've…