I avoid engaging in political discourse here - and will continue to do so. It's pointless. I have very strong opinions on our current state of affairs, I'm borderline obsessive frankly. But reality is, you don't care who or what I support, and, no matter...I can't change what you think…


I'm at that point where I've got 28 posts sitting as drafts.  I can't seem to finish like I could when I was younger.  Doesn't even matter if it's not Sunday - I can't get it done any longer. For years I've been working on meandering observations, topical essays, I've…


It may surprise you to know that the Mrs. and I (well, mainly the Mrs.) are a couple of nerds.  Oh sure, I know...most of you see us as trend setting party hoppers but the reality is, more often than not we can be found spending our leisure time watching…


So the other night yet another news story featuring the remaining Republican candidates for the "Presidential" nomination was blaring on the TV in the background while Chrissy scrolled endlessly on her iPhone and I was Googling effective ways to get the IRS off my ass.  Naturally, it got us talking…