“If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.”

No Bonehead rantings here.

My quick take on last night’s historic election.

I’ve often experienced the wonderful pleasure of feeling proud. Not talking about pride here, but proud. Having a bright and talented daughter has afforded me that luxury many times over. That’s natural, and I’m certain that as days go on I will enjoy that feeling time and time again.

However, I know I will never be able to match the depth of that feeling I’m certain that my lovely wife felt last night. Yes, I voted for Barack Obama – for the same reasons she did – because he was simply the better candidate. It’s a resounding testament to the quality and intelligence of his campaign that race never had to play a role.

But you can’t deny the magnitude of reality in comparing today’s America to the one just 40 years ago, and how things have changed. Today is history – we’ll always remember where we were at 11pm when it was announced that Obama had been elected President of the United States. I’ll remember how happy I was – not just for that, but for Chrissy, having the opportunity to experience a moment of pride and joy I could never match.

Perhaps it’s idealistic to rationally believe all things are possible – but some days you look around and something happens that can make even the most jaded cynics among us think twice.