I am rarely inspired. I’m often insipid.

I enjoy the blog “Out of Context: pieces of a life” by one of our frequent comment friends Nothing Profound. His aphorisms are really thought provoking, and I’ve been thinking after his last couple of posts, that it might be fun to try my own. For the uninformed, an aphorism is a tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion or a brief statement of a principle.

Knowing full well I’m not going to offer anything as deeply profound as found on Out of Context, I wanted to offer my tributes with a bit of a Bonehead twist .

So…here are some Bonerisms, drawn from some of the nether regions of my bone head.

Blowing my own horn this morning. Need someone for later in the day.

Upon returning to the scene of the crime, I did it again.

There’s often an excuse, rarely an alibi

When all else fails, keep bullshitting.

There’s happiness, and there’s sadness. Deal with it.

Haven’t you heard? Nobody’s talking about you.

Between love and war you’ll find negotiations

In your heart, you’re always free. In your mind, you never are.

There is no risk without the possibility of losing.

It’s not really chicken.

You probably weren’t looking when it passed you by

It’s not always you, just most of the time it is.

Can’t seem to make a decision? Yes?

In the end it’s usually not what you wanted, try to be happy with it anyway.

If you think you’ve got the world by the balls, you’ve probably got a prick smacking you in the head.

The point is often a little off center

Think about it, did anyone really care anyway?

Can’t get it right? Then go to the left.

Standing on shaky ground? Hold on then.

If you’ve ever been in a pickle, relish the catch up.

Deep inside the mind are the answers, yet the questions remain shallow

Years ago, it was cobbler’s who could save your sole.

Thinking is what gets most people into trouble

If your life is your own story, would today be a chapter or a deleted scene?

Observe and learn, listen and learn, see and learn, touch and burn, smell and leave

Rapid fire is quicker than heavy smoke

You can’t get there from here, but you can always just turn around and go back home.

Nothing ventured creates wilderness

It’s only optional if the choice is left to those who care to choose.